Aloha, I’m Adam, hence In Adam’s Shoes. I am pretty much your average Ohioan who got their bachelor’s degree from Kent State University, and moved on to a full-time job to start the routine and ordinary life after college. This was all well and fun, but I just kept seeing myself on repeat week after week. The “norm” was is not enough. I kept thinking about all of the other places I could be. All of the things I could be doing, seeing, and experiencing.
I wanted more.
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So, one day I decided to pack up and move. New place, new job, new culture, what could go wrong? After living in the Carolinas for a while, I soon found out, the routine stuck with me. Back to being ordinary. Not how I envision my story.
Where are the cool views? Where are the conversations with the locals? What about the animals? This big blue marble we call “Earth” is full of SO much; And I want that first-hand experience.
Forget being another number, I want to leave my mark.
I want to find and experience the interesting, and the jaw-dropping. Be a part of the change I wish to see. Create a story that actually might be worth listening to. Most of all, I just want to be me.
Check out the resources I’ve used to help me throughout my experiences.
The bonus is (hopefully) that I can inspire and help you redefine your walls, and live your true story.
So I promised myself that I was going to go out, and add that extra in front of my ordinary. And here it is. I have taken that BIG step outside the box. I am following my dreams, and becoming the story teller, instead of just the one listening.
More? Buy me a drink! You’d be surprised how little can actually go quite a long way.
This about me not cutting it for you? Want to jump-start your travel plans?
Shoot me a message.
Take a load off, and allow me to help plan your next adventure (as loose or as tight as you want).